Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Blooming flowers in my garden

Hi all,
I was just out in my front yard garden watering the plants around my little pond and lo and behold one of my late summer flowers was in full bloom. I've been keeping an eye on it for the last week because the pods are getting huge and I could tell that any day now they would open up and announce their glory and sure enough they didn't disappoint.
I don't even know the name of the plant! I planted it last year when we had just put the little pond in and it was beautiful. The tag had said it was a perennial so I hoped for the best that it would survive our winter snow and sure enough it did! Then on my birthday my sweet hubby gave me a fountain to add to the pond and it added just the right feel to the whole yard.
Also our trailing vine over our gate arch is showing its color. Last year was it's first year and it only blossomed a couple of flowers but this year it is more established and is giving us an abundance of red trumpet flowers!
I am getting such joy from our little pond. It is not very big but we added gold fish last year too, sadly not very many survived but a hardy handful but they make me smile whenever I sit at the ponds edge and watch them swimming here and there looking for their daily food. The bees also fly in and out sipping their fill of cool water. Such simplicity and calm in such a crazy mixed up world.
Hope you enjoy the garden photos.
Talk to you soon,


Southern Lady's Vintage said...

The flower is beautiful and so is the pond. My hubby built a pond too and we have fish in it. My neighbor has lots of cats and they were getting our fish! Hubby had to put wire mesh wire over ours because of the kittys!

Artsnark said...

really lovely - thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

so pretty - I love water and a pond is a nice addition to a yard. Yours looks lovely!

Anonymous said...

Your pond looks so pretty, love the pink flower! We have a tiny one too, it is my dh's pet project. He has one huge goldfish in it right now, our cats like to sit on the edge and watch it!
thanks for the sweet comments on my blog and I'll look forward to seeing you on Glitter and Grunge too :)