Just wanted to show you a few photos of the newest addition
to our family.
Her name is Madalyn Jane!
Here are all three of my children holding her at various times.
The handsome young man with the glasses is the proud papa of Madalyn and I took the photo during
As you can see by how the baby was dressed it was pretty brisk outside that day! but it felt great to get out into the winter air and view the scenery.
The other handsome young man is my other son and proud Uncle of baby Madalyn.
He loves getting to hold her every chance he gets.
And the young la
This is the first chance she has gotten to see the baby since she was born in September, so it was super special to see them together.
I couldn't of asked for a better start to the New Year!
It was filled with family and fun and many blessings.
May this 2009 year also bring you the things and people that fill your heart full of happiness and peace.
talk to you soon,

What a doll - congratulations and try not to spoil her too much!! Cindy
What a beautiful baby and family! Couldn't ask for a better start to a new year!
How precious!
What a precious precious baby!! You have a lovely family! Happy New Year, what a great new beginning!
Blessings, Sharon
What a beautiful family you have, Deborah! Wishing you all a wonderful 2009 ~ Angela :)
What a sweet little baby face!!! What a perfect way to begin the New Year. Wishing you a wonderful 2009.
ooohh...heart-melting moment. What a darling, Deborah.
Hope 2009 holds many such tender moments in abundance!
What a lovely family! All the best health, happiness and peace to you and yours this coming year Deborah!
She is so precious. Just spoil her every chance you get, because they grow up in such a quick hurry it seems. They are so much fun to watch them grow.
thanks ladies for all the granddaughter love!
and I will definitely be spoiling her in the future, my hubby can spoil the grandson and I'll take care of the girl spoiling! lol
Congratulations! What a blessing!
Congratulations! 2009 is of to a wonderful start, I see ;D
Hi Deborah!
Your photos are heart warming of your sweet, darling little grand daughter! Even more special that you had all your "babies" visiting also.
You definately had a warm and loving strat to 2009!
Thank you so much for the get well comment and stopping by!
The tea ladies should be arriving in your mailbox tomorrow!
Hugs to you and your wonderful familyxox
Hi deborah! Just stopping by to say Hi! I'm so excited I can do this now. Yay! Thank you for stopping by my blog. What a sweet family you have!I love what you wrote! Very inspiring and sweet!Anyways...nice to know I can comment now!
Talk soon.
How funny. I was just writing on your zne page (at least I think it's you) around the time you visited my blog! Will definitely add you to the drawing. Thanks for stopping by!
Hey Deborah, I left a comment on the forum about the link to the blog for the book group. But here it is as well-- http://tnc-12secrets.blogspot.com/
Hope you join and visit my blog often! risa
What a lovely family! And that baby is just too sweet! Wanna squeeze her and cuddle her up:-)
Hi Starry- congrats! You've won the supplies giveaway on my blog. If you convo me with your email or shipping info I'll get the package right out to you
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