Welcome ladies,
So lovely to have you join us today for tea.
I see that MiMi is having a bit of Chamomile tea and enjoying the lovely falling of rain outside her lovely home today.
and Artsparker is enjoying a bit of Jasmine tea.
And ohhh, look another tea guest just arrived, and it's Popalicious, and she's also gazing out of the window on a rainy day, her tea of choice today is Hazelnut Chocolate!
My sister in law also stopped by for a quick cup of tea before she had to run off to work.
I'm so thrilled to visit with all of you ladies and that Hazelnut Chocolate sounds delicious!
It's a sunny day here in California, but rain is in the forecast for this weekend and it's even predicted that we'll get a bit of snow too. I can't wait. And you can be sure that when it rains I'll be snuggled up on my loveseat with a cup of tea enjoying the pitter patter on the rooftop :)
Looks like the tea pot is starting to fill up. I wonder who will be the lucky winner?
Tracy, from Tiedupmemories, has just joined us too.
She's had trouble leaving comments on my blog, so I am chatting with her via convo on etsy.
She's having scones and lemon curd with her tea!!! Doesn't that sound delicious!
OOOhhhh, someone else is at my door, and it's Yippeevintage!
I see she is having orangespice tea with us today. I think I can smell the spices as I type!
The table is filling up quickly now!
JoyAnna has joined us and is brewing a bit of English breakfast tea and also enjoying the rain and Tam/BarkerBell is enjoying sugar and cream in her tea, she must have a sweet tooth like me!
And Bevie is joining us today along with Kathy of Catnipstudios. Kathy did you say you can smell peaches? Well, so can I!
Now the teapot is really filling up:)
Here's another quote:
Somehow, taking tea together encourages an atmosphere of intimacy when you slip off the timepiece in your mind and cast your fate to a delight of tasty tea, tiny foods, and thoughtful conversation.
Gail Greco
I've sent out six to already and would love to send out more.
I just found this lovely photo of teacups and rain on an etsy shop called couragemylove.etsy.com isn't it beautiful?
Tempest in a Teacup

Christmas Tea Recipe:
2 cups boiling water
6 black tea bags
1cinnamon stick
2 whole cloves
1/4 cup sugar

2 cups cranberry/raspberry juice cocktail.
In a teapot, steep tea bags and spices with water, 5 to 6 minutes.
Heat juice to nearly boiling, stir in sugar.
Add hot juice to teapot.
Serve! and Enjoy!
We have another guest joining us today, it's Glenda of the Etsy shop TwocoolTexans and she is one of my most fav artists on etsy!
I'll add your name to the teapot Glenda.
Here's a bit more of
Did you know?
5. It's important to dip your tea bag up and down about 10 times in your hot water,
because it releases special antioxidants.
6. Antioxidant-rich black tea may help lower cholesterol, a major risk factor of heart disease.
7. Tea labeled organic does not ensure quality, but does certify that the tea is grown without
using any chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides for at least three years.
8. A 2006 study showed that elderly Japanese people who consumed more than two cups of green tea a day had a 50percent lower chance of developing cognitive impairment.
So drink up everyone!
Here's some pampering for your face.
A Tea Facial!
1 chamomille and 1 peppermint tea bag
3 cups boiling water
Place tea bags in a large bowl, add boiling water
and cool for two minutes.
Place a clean towel over your head and bowl.

Keeping your face at least eight inches above the water, steam for ten minutes.
Then add your fav skin cream and viola very soft skin!

Good morning ladies :)
My apologies for being late... Google 'forgot' me ~ lol
Oh, everything looks delightful! I'm having a lovely cup of orange spice tea ~ just perfect for a grey, Seattle morning. Mmmm ~ I think I'll have one of those delicious lemon sugar cookies...
Hi Yippeevintage,
We're so glad you joined us today!
How's the weather out your way?
Some of us have a rainy day and some of us are hoping for the rain.
Good Morning Yippeevintage,
I almost missed the party too---forgetting about the 3 hour time difference I checked in at 10:00am my time which was actually 7:00am in CA. I almost forgot to check back. Thank goodness I remembered this is so much fun!!! I have to step away for a short while--have to pick up a little one at school. I should be back before the tea party ends. I will be ready for another cup of tea by then.
yes, you can never have too much tea, we'll chat with you a little later mimi.
Hello yippee! I feel like I'm in Seattle today...it's one of those typical gray Seattle winter days here, but with a touch more of a chill in the air. Here in Pittsburgh, the rain we've been having for two days is supposed to turn to snow tonight.
you all are making me jealous with the snow! I love it too, but just want it for a day or two, lol
It's not snow here yet if that makes you feel any better. : )
*looking at teacup* I seem to be empty and think I'll try some Earl Gray this time.
okay, i feel much less jealous now, lol
well hello yippee...tiedupmemories and barkerbell and hello to starry's sister in law!!! hope you are all enjoying your tea...i know i am...have to admit...i am on my third cup and it is not decaf : ) lol! everything looks so lovely starry...thanks for inviting me! hope all of you ladies are having a fabulous day and enjoying the world of tea! talk with you later...having another sip...yum! hugs...pops!
What a lovely tea party. Thank you for the invite to join you. Oh, I love those stacked tea cups. I can't stay but for a few minutes, I have to go rake leaves today but wanted to say hello. It was really cold and I just couldn't get out there, but it looks like today it is going to be much warmer.
Had to step away for a moment... oh, it's so nice to see all of you! Thank you for inviting me Deborah :)
We have a 100% chance of rain tomorrow and were expecting snow this weekend ~ eek! It sure is beautiful but I don't like to drive in it.
Angela :)
Glenda,I gave up on the raking for now! We have a grand ole oak tree in our front yard and I went out and raked, and by the next day, it was two times more leaves then before.
But hope you have better luck! lol
Glad to have you join the tea even if just for a few minutes.
Deborah, that Christmas tea recipe sounds wonderful... I'll have to try it. I'm enjoying your quotes... the one from Nancy Reagan is one of my favorites :)
I liked the Nancy Reagan quote as well!
Slow down or you'll be bouncing off the walls! LOL
See you ladies later! My peaceful afternoon is about to end as I have to go retrieve my boys from the bus stop. Thanks for the lovely tea and company!
Love that photograph: Teacups in the Rain.
Charles Dickens said;
My dear, if you could give me a cup of tea to clear my muddle of a head I should better understand your affairs.
Brenda of JoyAnna
Life is a cup to be filled, not drained.
Are any of you ladies familiar with the "children's" rhyme, "I'm a Little Teapot"?
It is so precious and i'm happy I haven't grown up yet!
Brenda of JoyAnna
love that Dickens quote!
I think if everyone drank a couple of cups of tea a day, the world would be a much nicer place!!!
We'll see you later Barkerbell, thank you for joining the teaparty today, it has been a pleasure having you!
what a fabulous recipe!!! making it tomorrow night : ) thank you starry...i do believe the eye treatment will come in hand for sure!
it was a complete and utter delight being here today and so nice to see so many friends and new friends! hey there yippee...a little break from coffee out there in coffee country : ) lol!!!
hope to see you all again soon...going to help starry with the dishes : )
take care...hugs...pops
oh...by the way starry...don't tell my dachshunds lol...i pretended that they were the queens corgis for a few hours : )....shh......they would be so upset : ) thanks again for a lovely time! hugs...pops
Omh, omg...I am late ...so much going on at the house today ( outa breath). I posted in the wrong thread? Now I am even later...so sorry....
rIt's raining cats and dogs (sorry pops) here in Florida and an other cold front is right on that ones heal...
My tea is steaming and smells heavenly. How is everybody, so good to see you all here! Streusel, anyone? Brought some home made apple strudel with streussel on top, help yourself girls...
Hmmmm, trying to relax now...Oh starry , my lovely gift came today a just absolutin adorable tea cup in pink... something to safe you know...
pops, that is the cutest remark, I won't tell them a thing!!
I'm sooo glad you could join me today, and thanks for help in the kitchen.
hi Monika,
you have posted in the right place, now you can hopefully sit for a bit, relax and enjoy the sound of the rain on the rooftop and on the window pane. That's what I love about tea, it just makes you settle down and destress.
That strudel sounds deliciousous!!!
and I am so happy you like the tea party favor :)
Just stopping back to see what I missed... The Christmas tea recipe sounds so wonderful. Thank you so much for such a delightful afternoon. This was such fun.
thank you mimi, for coming to my tea!
Did you see the giveaway for the tea bag holder? All you need to do is count up how many times the word tea is mentioned, anywhere on the posts.
Starting with the Welcome post from this morning.
Whoever guesses correctly first, wins.
Very clever and creative. Love the tea party . I only wish I could really be there. Here in Southern California it is 80 degrees and sunny but tea is still wonderful
sorry I missed it! Drinking a beer but suddenly craving tea :D Lovely idea, by the way! Hope you had a wonderful day!
I ordered some chai tea soap but it hasn't gotten here yet, maybe it'll be like steeping myself in the bath.
Lovely quotes and recipes...
Have to try all of them!
Thanks for having such a lovely party - and I was able to make it..."peuw" (wiping my brow)
Good to see ya all here, ladies...
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